We finish the detailed examination of Act One and I complete the rewrite. David is inspirational. His great gift is that he knows instinctively what works and what doesn’t work theatrically. He is also generous, kind and full of good humour.
Elizabeth Newman is often busy with other things but pops into our meetings occasionally, sometimes bringing tea and treats, sometimes bringing good ideas to the table. At one point she provides great insight into a particularly sticky scene. Thanks, Lizzie!
I am glad when we move onto Act Two as the jokes in Act One are beginning to wear a bit thin on me. However, I’m greatly encouraged by David’s comments about the script as a whole. He thinks the play is turning into a much more profound piece now. Ooh, good.
There is some exciting news over who might play the part of Sheila Dibnah, but I’m not at liberty to say anything until the deal has been struck!